Saturday, May 19, 2018


1. NotebookIt is very important to buy this for school as all students needed something to write on, and notebook is the primary things that student use for everyday life in school.
2. Pencil Especially for grade school they usually use pencil compare to higher grades due to being a starter at school they are just still learning to write. So some of the teachers recommend the parents to just buy a PENCIL for their children.

3. Eraser - Of course if there is a pencil there should be an eraser in case the students might make mistakes on writing, an eraser would do to help them easily remove the mistakes that they’ve done.
4. Crayons - It use to bring life to what you are drawing or writing. A crayon is not only use to color your drawings. But also it is used by some of the artist for their art.

5. Ruler - For measurement of the shapes you want to draw. And to ensure that all the lines you make are straight.

6. Glue - Not every day they use this but it is also important to always have glue in the bag. Especially for the grade school, their teachers usually have an activity that needed glue.

7. Scissors - Make sure the teacher’s guide the students as they use this, the grade school in particular as it is a sharp object that can harm other students. It is also important to have this on your list as it is needed for some of the activities in school.

8. Ball pen It is the very common thing to buy of every student. They usually use this in everything. The most common color of the ball pen to buy is Black, Blue & Red. Senior high up to colleges really need this for everyday use.

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